Salary record for ADRIANO L MARTINEZ
Base PayOvertime PayOther PayBenefitsTotal PayTotal Pay & Benefits
2014 LECT-AY
$ 3,050.00 $ 0.00 $ 102.00 $ 0.00 $ 3,152.00 $ 3,152.00
2014 USHER
$ 223.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 223.00 $ 223.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
2014 MGR
$ 100,438.00 $ 0.00 $ 9,920.00 $ 31,947.00 $ 110,358.00 $ 142,305.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
2015 LECT-AY
$ 513.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 513.00 $ 513.00
2015 MGR
$ 103,451.00 $ 0.00 $ 7,500.00 $ 34,031.00 $ 110,951.00 $ 144,982.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
2016 LECT-AY
$ 2,183.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 2,183.00 $ 2,183.00
$ 59,950.00 $ 11,086.00 $ 10,669.00 $ 15,232.00 $ 81,705.00 $ 96,937.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
2016 DIR
$ 115,356.00 $ 0.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 35,286.00 $ 120,356.00 $ 155,642.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
2017 LECT-AY
$ 546.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 546.00 $ 546.00
$ 44,978.00 $ 1,509.00 $ 0.00 $ 5,336.00 $ 46,487.00 $ 51,823.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
2017 DIR
$ 119,629.00 $ 0.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 36,414.00 $ 123,629.00 $ 160,043.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
$ 92,853.00 $ 15,340.00 $ 12,419.00 $ 22,007.00 $ 120,612.00 $ 142,619.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
2018 DIR
$ 123,218.00 $ 0.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 34,638.00 $ 128,218.00 $ 162,856.00
$ 4,561.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 638.00 $ 4,561.00 $ 5,199.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
$ 49,667.00 $ 50.00 $ 500.00 $ 13,288.00 $ 50,217.00 $ 63,505.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
$ 51,267.00 $ 0.00 $ 750.00 $ 24,310.00 $ 52,017.00 $ 76,327.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
$ 96,172.00 $ 40,534.00 $ 16,137.00 $ 24,373.00 $ 152,843.00 $ 177,216.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
$ 36,279.00 $ 2,857.00 $ 4,488.00 $ 5,538.00 $ 43,624.00 $ 49,162.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
2019 Dir
$ 126,920.00 $ 0.00 $ 15,990.00 $ 37,440.00 $ 142,910.00 $ 180,350.00
2019 Ct Tchno
$ 97,614.00 $ 12,157.00 $ 13,554.00 $ 15,274.00 $ 123,325.00 $ 138,599.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
2019 Lect-Ay
$ 3,440.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 3,440.00 $ 3,440.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
2019 Hosp Blank Ast 2
$ 18,981.00 $ 1,093.00 $ 2,073.00 $ 3,350.00 $ 22,147.00 $ 25,497.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
2019 Hosp Blank Ast 3
$ 53,236.00 $ 1,457.00 $ 752.00 $ 24,036.00 $ 55,445.00 $ 79,481.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
2019 Hr Generalist 3
$ 87,075.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 19,414.00 $ 87,075.00 $ 106,489.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
2019 Reg Resp Ther 1
$ 97,600.00 $ 45,651.00 $ 18,968.00 $ 24,969.00 $ 162,219.00 $ 187,188.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
2020 Dir
$ 129,120.00 $ 0.00 $ 17,412.00 $ 39,680.00 $ 146,532.00 $ 186,212.00
2020 Resp Ther 2
$ 117,366.00 $ 34,918.00 $ 7,817.00 $ 12,061.00 $ 160,101.00 $ 172,162.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
2020 Ct Tchno
$ 101,724.00 $ 4,428.00 $ 14,249.00 $ 16,613.00 $ 120,401.00 $ 137,014.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
2020 Hosp Blank Ast 2
$ 43,622.00 $ 1,703.00 $ 3,884.00 $ 11,701.00 $ 49,209.00 $ 60,910.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
2020 Lab Ast 2
$ 38,555.00 $ 1,918.00 $ 35.00 $ 11,031.00 $ 40,508.00 $ 51,539.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
2020 Hosp Blank Ast 3
$ 55,888.00 $ 1,336.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 25,358.00 $ 61,224.00 $ 86,582.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
2020 Hr Generalist 3
$ 79,856.00 $ 0.00 $ 5,014.00 $ 14,694.00 $ 84,870.00 $ 99,564.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
2021 Hosp Blank Ast 3
$ 60,623.00 $ 2,525.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 26,504.00 $ 65,148.00 $ 91,652.00
2021 Hosp Blank Ast 2
$ 13,408.00 $ 2,680.00 $ 1,531.00 $ 5,576.00 $ 17,619.00 $ 23,195.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
2021 Hosp Blank Ast 2
$ 45,746.00 $ 1,086.00 $ 3,526.00 $ 13,980.00 $ 50,358.00 $ 64,338.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
2021 Lect-Ay
$ 3,549.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 3,549.00 $ 3,549.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
2021 Postdoc-Fellow
$ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 44,917.00 $ 3,734.00 $ 44,917.00 $ 48,651.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
2021 Admin Supv 2 Gf
$ 130,735.00 $ 0.00 $ 10,032.00 $ 40,512.00 $ 140,767.00 $ 181,279.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
2021 Ct Tchno
$ 105,589.00 $ 5,375.00 $ 13,914.00 $ 17,296.00 $ 124,878.00 $ 142,174.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
2021 Resp Ther 2
$ 125,066.00 $ 56,917.00 $ 15,519.00 $ 42,587.00 $ 197,502.00 $ 240,089.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
2021 Lab Ast 2
$ 38,911.00 $ 1,079.00 $ 173.00 $ 13,706.00 $ 40,163.00 $ 53,869.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
2022 Hosp Blank Ast 3
$ 52,647.00 $ 546.00 $ 0.00 $ 22,829.00 $ 53,193.00 $ 76,022.00
2022 Resp Ther 2
$ 133,477.00 $ 65,638.00 $ 26,731.00 $ 43,749.00 $ 225,846.00 $ 269,595.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
2022 Admin Supv 2 Gf
$ 141,710.00 $ 0.00 $ 11,650.00 $ 42,674.00 $ 153,360.00 $ 196,034.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
2022 Clin Nurse 3
$ 201,402.00 $ 1,731.00 $ 14,943.00 $ 32,266.00 $ 218,076.00 $ 250,342.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
2022 Ct Tchno
$ 111,671.00 $ 8,515.00 $ 13,714.00 $ 17,882.00 $ 133,900.00 $ 151,782.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
2022 Lect-Ay
$ 6,905.00 $ 0.00 $ 35.00 $ 0.00 $ 6,940.00 $ 6,940.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
2022 Pat Navgtr Non-Clin 3
$ 46,441.00 $ 3,479.00 $ 2,181.00 $ 13,245.00 $ 52,101.00 $ 65,346.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
2022 Hosp Blank Ast 2
$ 47,437.00 $ 1,427.00 $ 2,707.00 $ 14,496.00 $ 51,571.00 $ 66,067.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
2022 Lab Ast 2
$ 25,660.00 $ 1,150.00 $ 2,484.00 $ 8,963.00 $ 29,294.00 $ 38,257.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
2023 Pharmacy Tchn 3
$ 24,054.00 $ 22.00 $ 8,764.00 $ 19,499.00 $ 32,840.00 $ 52,339.00
2023 Admin Ofcr 3
$ 97,639.00 $ 0.00 $ 10,200.00 $ 15,789.00 $ 107,839.00 $ 123,628.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
2023 Lect-Ay
$ 1,381.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 1,381.00 $ 1,381.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
2023 Voc Nurse Sr
$ 74,259.00 $ 763.00 $ 1,250.00 $ 16,911.00 $ 76,272.00 $ 93,183.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
2023 Admin Supv 2 Gf
$ 155,570.00 $ 0.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 44,173.00 $ 160,570.00 $ 204,743.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
2023 Resp Ther 2
$ 124,785.00 $ 12,363.00 $ 4,093.00 $ 43,333.00 $ 141,241.00 $ 184,574.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
2023 Ct Tchno
$ 116,568.00 $ 10,108.00 $ 15,298.00 $ 17,925.00 $ 141,974.00 $ 159,899.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
2023 Nurse Svc Supv 2
$ 218,266.00 $ 928.00 $ 7,126.00 $ 24,918.00 $ 226,320.00 $ 251,238.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
2023 Hosp Blank Ast 3
$ 14,703.00 $ 588.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 16,291.00 $ 16,291.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
2023 Med Ast 1
$ 50,786.00 $ 467.00 $ 0.00 $ 16,917.00 $ 51,253.00 $ 68,170.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
2023 Blank Ast 2
$ 41,786.00 $ 132.00 $ 0.00 $ 29,194.00 $ 41,918.00 $ 71,112.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
2023 Pat Navgtr Non-Clin 3
$ 36,461.00 $ 0.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 8,755.00 $ 38,461.00 $ 47,216.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
2023 Cook
$ 25,156.00 $ 1,547.00 $ 726.00 $ 16,481.00 $ 27,429.00 $ 43,910.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
Base PayOvertime PayOther PayBenefitsTotal PayTotal Pay & Benefits

Random Titles from University of California
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Asc Vp Syswide Controller