Salary record for ALICE L. HAWKINS
Base PayOvertime PayOther PayBenefitsTotal PayTotal Pay & Benefits
$ 52,497.00 $ 1,111.00 $ 8,356.00 $ 20,852.00 $ 61,964.00 $ 82,816.00
$ 80,529.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 28,323.00 $ 80,529.00 $ 108,852.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
2014 BLANK AST 3
$ 52,009.00 $ 1,695.00 $ 17.00 $ 13,600.00 $ 53,721.00 $ 67,321.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
$ 60,750.00 $ 0.00 $ 4,725.00 $ 15,987.00 $ 65,475.00 $ 81,462.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
2014 ANL 5
$ 77,947.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 27,844.00 $ 77,947.00 $ 105,791.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
$ 43,174.00 $ 1,304.00 $ 7,037.00 $ 14,860.00 $ 51,515.00 $ 66,375.00
$ 88,004.00 $ 0.00 $ 300.00 $ 30,794.00 $ 88,304.00 $ 119,098.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
2015 BLANK AST 3
$ 51,970.00 $ 1,167.00 $ 0.00 $ 14,536.00 $ 53,137.00 $ 67,673.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
2015 ANL 5
$ 46,135.00 $ 0.00 $ 6,469.00 $ 13,122.00 $ 52,604.00 $ 65,726.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
$ 96,146.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 25,585.00 $ 96,146.00 $ 121,731.00
2016 BLANK AST 3
$ 44,189.00 $ 560.00 $ 0.00 $ 15,373.00 $ 44,749.00 $ 60,122.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
$ 102,279.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 15,526.00 $ 102,279.00 $ 117,805.00
2017 BLANK AST 3
$ 13,411.00 $ 89.00 $ 2,043.00 $ 7,822.00 $ 15,543.00 $ 23,365.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
$ 3,156.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 441.00 $ 3,156.00 $ 3,597.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
$ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 0.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00
$ 160,731.00 $ 3,438.00 $ 0.00 $ 28,683.00 $ 164,169.00 $ 192,852.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
2019 Nurse Pract 2
$ 179,008.00 $ 1,844.00 $ 0.00 $ 31,408.00 $ 180,852.00 $ 212,260.00
2020 Teacher-Unex-Contract Yr
$ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 2,250.00 $ 0.00 $ 2,250.00 $ 2,250.00
2020 Nurse Pract 2
$ 186,537.00 $ 13,199.00 $ 15.00 $ 33,099.00 $ 199,751.00 $ 232,850.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
2021 Teacher-Unex-Contract Yr
$ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 15,250.00 $ 0.00 $ 15,250.00 $ 15,250.00
2021 Nurse Pract 2
$ 107,603.00 $ 1,692.00 $ 21,832.00 $ 19,193.00 $ 131,127.00 $ 150,320.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
2022 Teacher-Unex-Contract Yr
$ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 33,500.00 $ 0.00 $ 33,500.00 $ 33,500.00
2022 Hosp Ast 1 Pd
$ 37,629.00 $ 7,754.00 $ 2,039.00 $ 4,925.00 $ 47,422.00 $ 52,347.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
2022 Assoc Prof-Ay
$ 135,033.00 $ 0.00 $ 10,400.00 $ 35,475.00 $ 145,433.00 $ 180,908.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
2022 Hs Clin Instr-Hcomp
$ 101,475.00 $ 0.00 $ 101,383.00 $ 10,980.00 $ 202,858.00 $ 213,838.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
2023 Teacher-Unex-Contract Yr
$ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 16,900.00 $ 0.00 $ 16,900.00 $ 16,900.00
2023 Resid Phys/Subspec 4-8/Rep
$ 38,888.00 $ 0.00 $ 3,950.00 $ 0.00 $ 42,838.00 $ 42,838.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
2023 Hosp Blank Ast 1
$ 37,592.00 $ 6,183.00 $ 2,834.00 $ 14,297.00 $ 46,609.00 $ 60,906.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
2023 Assoc Prof-Ay
$ 142,200.00 $ 0.00 $ 10,400.00 $ 33,896.00 $ 152,600.00 $ 186,496.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
2023 Hs Clin Prof-Hcomp
$ 246,585.00 $ 0.00 $ 319,908.00 $ 31,051.00 $ 566,493.00 $ 597,544.00
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
Base PayOvertime PayOther PayBenefitsTotal PayTotal Pay & Benefits

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