Salary record for JILL M ALLARD
Base PayOvertime PayOther PayBenefitsTotal PayTotal Pay & Benefits
2014 BLANK AST 3
$ 52,480.00 $ 0.00 $ 30.00 $ 19,989.00 $ 52,510.00 $ 72,499.00
2015 BLANK AST 3
$ 45,448.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 21,936.00 $ 45,448.00 $ 67,384.00
2016 BLANK AST 3
$ 55,812.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 20,386.00 $ 55,812.00 $ 76,198.00
2017 BLANK AST 3
$ 57,520.00 $ 0.00 $ 1,200.00 $ 21,234.00 $ 58,720.00 $ 79,954.00
2018 BLANK AST 3
$ 58,174.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 28,711.00 $ 58,174.00 $ 86,885.00
Base PayOvertime PayOther PayBenefitsTotal PayTotal Pay & Benefits

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