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Number of people with the title of BLANK AST 3 : 6288
Maximum Total Pay & Benefits:$ 122,142.00
Average Total Pay & Benefits:$ 59,413.21
Minimum Total Pay & Benefits:$ 1.00

University of California Salaries for 2018Page 98 of 210
Name Title Base Pay Overtime Pay Other Pay Benefits Total Pay Total Pay & Benefits
Heu, Pachua BLANK AST 3 $ 42,768.00 $ 2,104.00 $ 0.00 $ 23,201.00 $ 44,872.00 $ 68,073.00
Dichiara, Michael J BLANK AST 3 $ 51,754.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 16,309.00 $ 51,754.00 $ 68,063.00
Delgado, Esmeralda BLANK AST 3 $ 48,752.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 19,308.00 $ 48,752.00 $ 68,060.00
Michel, Julie E. BLANK AST 3 $ 46,227.00 $ 338.00 $ 750.00 $ 20,745.00 $ 47,315.00 $ 68,060.00
Degrate, Ombrey BLANK AST 3 $ 49,545.00 $ 219.00 $ 347.00 $ 17,945.00 $ 50,111.00 $ 68,056.00
Huitron, Lus BLANK AST 3 $ 50,896.00 $ 1,246.00 $ -275.00 $ 16,188.00 $ 51,867.00 $ 68,055.00
Sponsler, Ryan D BLANK AST 3 $ 51,729.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 16,324.00 $ 51,729.00 $ 68,053.00
Arizabal, Kimberly BLANK AST 3 $ 52,294.00 $ 0.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 14,257.00 $ 53,794.00 $ 68,051.00
Ledesma, Veronica BLANK AST 3 $ 43,102.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 24,949.00 $ 43,102.00 $ 68,051.00
Hernandez, Alberto BLANK AST 3 $ 53,458.00 $ 55.00 $ 113.00 $ 14,421.00 $ 53,626.00 $ 68,047.00
Tucker, Tanna BLANK AST 3 $ 58,488.00 $ 13.00 $ 0.00 $ 9,524.00 $ 58,501.00 $ 68,025.00
Giraldo, Andre BLANK AST 3 $ 39,187.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 28,826.00 $ 39,187.00 $ 68,013.00
Ramos, Mario BLANK AST 3 $ 51,388.00 $ 0.00 $ 400.00 $ 16,221.00 $ 51,788.00 $ 68,009.00
Reyes, Jeanet Estropia BLANK AST 3 $ 46,076.00 $ 16.00 $ 0.00 $ 21,909.00 $ 46,092.00 $ 68,001.00
Mendoza, Joseph BLANK AST 3 $ 53,932.00 $ 14.00 $ 0.00 $ 14,054.00 $ 53,946.00 $ 68,000.00
Figueira, Anjuli BLANK AST 3 $ 53,524.00 $ 45.00 $ 0.00 $ 14,430.00 $ 53,569.00 $ 67,999.00
Hang, Tina BLANK AST 3 $ 51,691.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 16,300.00 $ 51,691.00 $ 67,991.00
Aslami, Nargis BLANK AST 3 $ 53,780.00 $ 1,074.00 $ 0.00 $ 13,136.00 $ 54,854.00 $ 67,990.00
Kemp, Linda BLANK AST 3 SUPV $ 53,936.00 $ 2,709.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 9,343.00 $ 58,645.00 $ 67,988.00
Olson, Racheal Mary-Lou BLANK AST 3 $ 51,923.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 16,058.00 $ 51,923.00 $ 67,981.00
Elkins, Sindi BLANK AST 3 $ 47,564.00 $ 185.00 $ 0.00 $ 20,226.00 $ 47,749.00 $ 67,975.00
Espinoza, Christin M BLANK AST 3 $ 51,660.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 16,296.00 $ 51,660.00 $ 67,956.00
Doddy, Traci Katoiya BLANK AST 3 $ 53,083.00 $ 762.00 $ 0.00 $ 14,093.00 $ 53,845.00 $ 67,938.00
Vavak, Samantha R BLANK AST 3 $ 46,994.00 $ 1,875.00 $ 0.00 $ 19,062.00 $ 48,869.00 $ 67,931.00
Vanegas, Jacqueline Aldrete BLANK AST 3 $ 48,098.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 19,811.00 $ 48,098.00 $ 67,909.00
Pearce, Audra BLANK AST 3 $ 50,067.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 17,839.00 $ 50,067.00 $ 67,906.00
Martinez, Lorena BLANK AST 3 $ 48,611.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 19,288.00 $ 48,611.00 $ 67,899.00
Silva, Alexander BLANK AST 3 $ 53,458.00 $ 16.00 $ 0.00 $ 14,421.00 $ 53,474.00 $ 67,895.00
Assenti, Rosa Angela BLANK AST 3 $ 48,129.00 $ 540.00 $ 0.00 $ 19,221.00 $ 48,669.00 $ 67,890.00
Mcavoy, Scott Patrick Pa BLANK AST 3 $ 53,083.00 $ 415.00 $ 0.00 $ 14,368.00 $ 53,498.00 $ 67,866.00

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