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Number of people with the title of Cardiovascular Supv 1 : 5
Maximum Total Pay & Benefits:$ 126,682.00
Average Total Pay & Benefits:$ 109,180.00
Minimum Total Pay & Benefits:$ 88,987.00

University of California Salaries for 2021Page 1 of 1
Name Title Base Pay Overtime Pay Other Pay Benefits Total Pay Total Pay & Benefits
Ross, Vicki Cardiovascular Supv 1 $ 79,809.00 $ 13,777.00 $ 1,350.00 $ 31,746.00 $ 94,936.00 $ 126,682.00
Olario, Andres Cardiovascular Supv 1 $ 74,912.00 $ 4,811.00 $ 5,487.00 $ 32,758.00 $ 85,210.00 $ 117,968.00
Bonilla, Josue Cardiovascular Supv 1 $ 73,058.00 $ 6,130.00 $ 6,341.00 $ 22,547.00 $ 85,529.00 $ 108,076.00
Campos, Maria Irene Andreana Cardiovascular Supv 1 $ 72,060.00 $ 2,640.00 $ 5,592.00 $ 23,895.00 $ 80,292.00 $ 104,187.00
Bullock, Marc Cardiovascular Supv 1 $ 59,583.00 $ 4,351.00 $ 9,998.00 $ 15,055.00 $ 73,932.00 $ 88,987.00

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