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Number of people with the title of Nurse Stf Crd : 12
Maximum Total Pay & Benefits:$ 146,810.00
Average Total Pay & Benefits:$ 93,584.42
Minimum Total Pay & Benefits:$ 25,526.00

University of California Salaries for 2020Page 1 of 1
Name Title Base Pay Overtime Pay Other Pay Benefits Total Pay Total Pay & Benefits
Calinisan, Ruth Nurse Stf Crd $ 67,625.00 $ 53,231.00 $ 17,326.00 $ 8,628.00 $ 138,182.00 $ 146,810.00
Pascual, Arlene Nurse Stf Crd $ 78,261.00 $ 4,003.00 $ 14,038.00 $ 37,975.00 $ 96,302.00 $ 134,277.00
Vasayllaje, Solidad Trinidad Nurse Stf Crd $ 76,519.00 $ 2,898.00 $ 5,952.00 $ 36,538.00 $ 85,369.00 $ 121,907.00
Alperez, Heidi Nurse Stf Crd $ 75,393.00 $ 4,332.00 $ 12,599.00 $ 23,734.00 $ 92,324.00 $ 116,058.00
Cody, Brian Nurse Stf Crd $ 66,614.00 $ 5,397.00 $ 7,915.00 $ 14,821.00 $ 79,926.00 $ 94,747.00
Morgan, Christina Nurse Stf Crd $ 55,089.00 $ 903.00 $ 4,665.00 $ 26,272.00 $ 60,657.00 $ 86,929.00
Garcia, Mazie Nurse Stf Crd $ 61,620.00 $ 2,296.00 $ 4,610.00 $ 18,150.00 $ 68,526.00 $ 86,676.00
MacAraeg, Cynthia Nurse Stf Crd $ 48,206.00 $ 2,112.00 $ 5,520.00 $ 28,346.00 $ 55,838.00 $ 84,184.00
Torres, Anette Nurse Stf Crd $ 62,443.00 $ 1,679.00 $ 10,258.00 $ 9,531.00 $ 74,380.00 $ 83,911.00
Yauger, Donald Nurse Stf Crd Pd $ 63,016.00 $ 12,105.00 $ 3,957.00 $ 0.00 $ 79,078.00 $ 79,078.00
Hertez, William Nurse Stf Crd $ 37,982.00 $ 3,283.00 $ 5,845.00 $ 15,800.00 $ 47,110.00 $ 62,910.00
Kung, Melanie Nurse Stf Crd Pd $ 23,686.00 $ 367.00 $ 1,473.00 $ 0.00 $ 25,526.00 $ 25,526.00

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