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Number of people with the title of Surgical Tchn : 454
Maximum Total Pay & Benefits:$ 215,602.00
Average Total Pay & Benefits:$ 92,930.76
Minimum Total Pay & Benefits:$ 256.00

University of California Salaries for 2021Page 1 of 16
Name Title Base Pay Overtime Pay Other Pay Benefits Total Pay Total Pay & Benefits
Kolhonen, Andrew Surgical Tchn Sr $ 104,685.00 $ 34,490.00 $ 38,043.00 $ 38,384.00 $ 177,218.00 $ 215,602.00
Seaman, Joshua Surgical Tchn Prn $ 119,232.00 $ 43,629.00 $ 2,578.00 $ 43,416.00 $ 165,439.00 $ 208,855.00
Gacuya, Granville Surgical Tchn Prn $ 90,778.00 $ 45,938.00 $ 36,242.00 $ 27,112.00 $ 172,958.00 $ 200,070.00
Argao, Arnel Surgical Tchn Prn $ 119,218.00 $ 13,027.00 $ 14,661.00 $ 43,574.00 $ 146,906.00 $ 190,480.00
Lewis, Debbie Surgical Tchn Prn $ 96,015.00 $ 23,967.00 $ 27,017.00 $ 36,452.00 $ 146,999.00 $ 183,451.00
Gillum, Celly Surgical Tchn Sr $ 110,519.00 $ 20,265.00 $ 27,336.00 $ 24,216.00 $ 158,120.00 $ 182,336.00
Nguyen, Nga Surgical Tchn Prn $ 118,137.00 $ 5,967.00 $ 14,556.00 $ 41,518.00 $ 138,660.00 $ 180,178.00
Mangalindan, Marinela Surgical Tchn Prn $ 111,115.00 $ 17,411.00 $ 22,748.00 $ 27,546.00 $ 151,274.00 $ 178,820.00
Briggs, John Surgical Tchn Prn $ 119,116.00 $ 5,877.00 $ 7,986.00 $ 43,555.00 $ 132,979.00 $ 176,534.00
Padilla, Daniel Surgical Tchn Sr $ 85,371.00 $ 28,127.00 $ 23,218.00 $ 38,578.00 $ 136,716.00 $ 175,294.00
Viray, Norman Surgical Tchn Prn $ 109,383.00 $ 14,100.00 $ 16,107.00 $ 34,780.00 $ 139,590.00 $ 174,370.00
Basas, Manuel Surgical Tchn Prn $ 109,041.00 $ 12,574.00 $ 13,238.00 $ 37,783.00 $ 134,853.00 $ 172,636.00
Spandau, Amy Surgical Tchn Prn $ 98,725.00 $ 11,317.00 $ 35,936.00 $ 26,407.00 $ 145,978.00 $ 172,385.00
Ma, Joseph Surgical Tchn Prn $ 115,235.00 $ 11,203.00 $ 17,242.00 $ 27,030.00 $ 143,680.00 $ 170,710.00
Mendoza, Rolando Surgical Tchn Prn $ 110,992.00 $ 0.00 $ 13,377.00 $ 42,394.00 $ 124,369.00 $ 166,763.00
Galeas, Edwin Surgical Tchn Prn $ 118,586.00 $ 633.00 $ 2,404.00 $ 43,317.00 $ 121,623.00 $ 164,940.00
Chamnong-Burnabhad, Paul Surgical Tchn $ 72,619.00 $ 39,069.00 $ 30,211.00 $ 22,858.00 $ 141,899.00 $ 164,757.00
Vincent, Terry Harris Surgical Tchn Prn $ 118,249.00 $ 1,775.00 $ 8,330.00 $ 36,065.00 $ 128,354.00 $ 164,419.00
Cazimero, Valerie Surgical Tchn Prn $ 118,341.00 $ 415.00 $ 9,457.00 $ 36,088.00 $ 128,213.00 $ 164,301.00
Baquiran, Albert Nico Surgical Tchn Prn $ 106,766.00 $ 6,554.00 $ 12,300.00 $ 38,589.00 $ 125,620.00 $ 164,209.00
Perez, Edgar Surgical Tchn Prn $ 117,265.00 $ 0.00 $ 9,833.00 $ 35,936.00 $ 127,098.00 $ 163,034.00
Aaron, Letitia Surgical Tchn Prn $ 119,001.00 $ 3,489.00 $ 6,307.00 $ 34,045.00 $ 128,797.00 $ 162,842.00
Hungate, Brittney Surgical Tchn Sr $ 79,944.00 $ 20,094.00 $ 27,460.00 $ 32,713.00 $ 127,498.00 $ 160,211.00
Torres, Melvin Surgical Tchn Sr $ 76,637.00 $ 33,891.00 $ 21,455.00 $ 28,166.00 $ 131,983.00 $ 160,149.00
Hall, Michael Surgical Tchn Sr $ 81,208.00 $ 16,607.00 $ 26,968.00 $ 33,695.00 $ 124,783.00 $ 158,478.00
Fontenot, Justin Surgical Tchn Pd $ 100,828.00 $ 18,975.00 $ 35,458.00 $ 2,636.00 $ 155,261.00 $ 157,897.00
Caro, Eric Surgical Tchn Sr $ 112,200.00 $ 571.00 $ 2,394.00 $ 40,489.00 $ 115,165.00 $ 155,654.00
Fuller, Lantz Surgical Tchn Prn $ 106,168.00 $ 0.00 $ 13,180.00 $ 35,515.00 $ 119,348.00 $ 154,863.00
Mendoza, Arnold Surgical Tchn Prn $ 94,842.00 $ 25,176.00 $ 5,457.00 $ 28,485.00 $ 125,475.00 $ 153,960.00
Villaescuza, David Surgical Tchn Sr $ 84,240.00 $ 19,735.00 $ 16,295.00 $ 33,232.00 $ 120,270.00 $ 153,502.00

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