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Number of people with the title of Ultrasound Tchno Ld : 13
Maximum Total Pay & Benefits:$ 246,045.00
Average Total Pay & Benefits:$ 187,774.54
Minimum Total Pay & Benefits:$ 109,571.00

University of California Salaries for 2022Page 1 of 1
Name Title Base Pay Overtime Pay Other Pay Benefits Total Pay Total Pay & Benefits
Mendinueto, Duane Ultrasound Tchno Ld $ 157,081.00 $ 22,119.00 $ 18,103.00 $ 48,742.00 $ 197,303.00 $ 246,045.00
Sallo, Joselito Ultrasound Tchno Ld $ 156,571.00 $ 4,933.00 $ 2,788.00 $ 48,638.00 $ 164,292.00 $ 212,930.00
Huynh-Covey, Thao Ultrasound Tchno Ld $ 147,593.00 $ 9,328.00 $ 13,402.00 $ 39,713.00 $ 170,323.00 $ 210,036.00
Rivero, Cheryl Ultrasound Tchno Ld $ 147,522.00 $ 2,361.00 $ 7,149.00 $ 48,522.00 $ 157,032.00 $ 205,554.00
Gabriel, Deidra Ultrasound Tchno Ld $ 155,220.00 $ 2,292.00 $ 1,325.00 $ 38,638.00 $ 158,837.00 $ 197,475.00
Garcia, Mark Ultrasound Tchno Ld $ 156,796.00 $ 1,996.00 $ 5,557.00 $ 32,427.00 $ 164,349.00 $ 196,776.00
Frayna, Viviane Ultrasound Tchno Ld $ 156,546.00 $ 2,157.00 $ 2,410.00 $ 31,945.00 $ 161,113.00 $ 193,058.00
Rogers, Karen Ultrasound Tchno Ld $ 154,102.00 $ 3,940.00 $ 2,683.00 $ 29,872.00 $ 160,725.00 $ 190,597.00
Yuen, Angela Ultrasound Tchno Ld $ 150,997.00 $ 318.00 $ 1,818.00 $ 22,612.00 $ 153,133.00 $ 175,745.00
Lynch, Michelle Ultrasound Tchno Ld $ 128,118.00 $ 101.00 $ 4,423.00 $ 41,119.00 $ 132,642.00 $ 173,761.00
Kalisik, Kelsey Ultrasound Tchno Ld $ 127,120.00 $ 0.00 $ 3,689.00 $ 34,387.00 $ 130,809.00 $ 165,196.00
Echegaray, Erik Ultrasound Tchno Ld $ 125,791.00 $ 6,345.00 $ 14,001.00 $ 18,188.00 $ 146,137.00 $ 164,325.00
Ramage, Lauren Ultrasound Tchno Ld $ 79,064.00 $ 766.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 28,741.00 $ 80,830.00 $ 109,571.00

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